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Providing Health and business training for women

In response to the needs the community identified to us ten years ago we have undertaken a number of things that have made a difference in a small way. Unfortunately the community really needs a large amount of government expenditure and that is unlikely to happen in the short-term. Our greatest success has been with the school which is making a great difference to many families.


  • A  well was dug and is now providing clean water to many.
  • Business and skills training have been given to several groups of women who have been provided with loans to set up or grow their businesses.
  • Mosquito nets were obtained for every family in the community.
  • We have set up a sport’s association and are supporting two adult football teams and a boxing club. We are also supporting a youth football team, volley ball and basket ball.
  • Two groups of women have so far received health training and more are planned. This included amongst other things, child care, family planning and AIDS prevention.
  • Adult education classes provide basic literacy skills in English and Swahili. This has proved very successful.
  • We have opened a small public library within the school which is used by four other schools.
  • A clinic opened in June 2016 to provide basic healthcare and health checks. This clinic is for our children and their families and the local community.

The school we first saw and the community surrounding the school